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One fateful week in June 1967 redrew the map of the Middle East.


Half a century later, Israel continues to face the challenges to its survival as the days sorrounding those fateful events.


Drawing on the teachings of Judaism and great Jewish minds from throughout the ages, Survival of a Nation confronts the impossible yet important questions our nation faces today from a unique Jewish perspective.




If Judaism is a religion of ideas, why do Jews care so much about land?



Why does Israel perpetually raise the ire of the entire world?



What are the ethics of preemptive strikes and collateral damage?



How should Israel protect itself when an enemy hides behind human shields?



What should Israel do with territories captured during the Six-Day War?



What lies at the heart of the land-for-peace debate?

Explore the story of the Six-Day War and Israel today with affectionate and fervent patriotism, while remaining realistic, and morally anchored.

This course is generously sponsored by Nancy Triest, Beth and Eli Maroko, and Tobi and Larry Fox.



Two options, in-person and Virtual:
Evening option: Six Wednesdays, beginning July 20, 7:30 - 9:00 pm
At Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit
6735 Telegraph Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Morning option: Six Thursdays, beginning July 21, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm 
At Jewish Family Service of Metro Detroit
6555 W. Maple Rd, West Bloomfield, MI
Rabbi Levi Dubov
Director, Chabad of Bloomfield Hills 
$90 - course textbook included
Couple's discount: 15% off
Bring a friend: 50% off (contact us for the promo code)
Join the first class commitment-free.
Scholarships available. Contact us for more info.
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© 2024 Chabad Jewish Center of Bloomfield Hills

3805 Quarton Road • Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 • 248-949-6210

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